What you need to bring to Class


Technician:  Your FRN (FCC Registration Number)

This is required to register for a class.  See Before Class for how to get an FRN.

General/Extra:  Your original license and a copy.

Most exam teams will accept a print of the FCC website’s “Reference Copy” if you don’t have an original or time to receive one from the FCC in the mail.

All: Your copy of the Questions and Study Sheet,

Bring a copy of the pdf “Q&A” and “study sheet” you received in the email instructions when you requested registration.  These are the materials we focus upon during class.  You’ll need to follow along with these, and will probably want to take notes on them.  You can bring the material either hard copy (on paper), or softcopy (on your ipad/laptop/etc.).  In either case, be prepared to take notes during class.

All: Pencils and/or Pens (at least one pencil)

To take notes, fill out application forms, and to take the exam. Note: You need to bring a pencil for the new exam grading forms.

All: A simple calculator.

The examiners dislike fancy programmable calculators which may have formulas pre-programmed. They do not allow smartphones like the iphone or andriod which could have ‘study guides’ loaded on them or have internet access.

All: A pre-exam snack.

It’s a long day.  Some people find a snack before the exam really helps.

A copy of the “605” form (or exam.tools registration)

Depending on the tools we use to grade the exam, you may need to register online for the exam or fill out a 605 form before class. The class instructions will tell you if we’re Exam.Tools or paper 605‘s for your class. If we do paper 605‘s, we’ll go over them in class to make sure they’re all correct.

The 605 form is at NCVEC 605 Form 2017 Rev 05.pdf