Amateur Extra Materials


Once you’ve passed your General exam, you can upgrade to the Extra class license.  

The study materials to prepare for the Extra exam are below.

The current Amateur Extra question pool was released in 2020, and will be in use thru June 2024.

Here’s a single (zip file) link for all the Extra materials:

A brief description of the files in the zip:

ExtraReadMeFirst-202309.pdf - An introduction to how the class works and some suggestions on studying. If you haven’t done one of our classes before, check this out.

ExtraPool-2020.rtf - the entire pool of exam questions, with the right answers bolded. Try to read through these (or the No Nonsense Guide below) once before class. - Another zip containing the 9 (png) graphics which go along with the question pool.

ExtraStudyGuide-2020.docx - key concepts and facts in a few pages for review and reference while you read the questions and answers.

HamBands-1pg-201709 - The ARRL’s band plan summary (8.5x11 format). Helpful for that “edge of band” questions. You can also get this on the ARRL website in greyscale or 11x17.

Formula_Wheel.jpg - A graphic take on algebraic manipulations of P=IE and I=ER to get E=I2R and others (pardon my lack of superscripts, etc. :-))

Additional Resources (not part of class materials)

KB6NU Study Guides  (available for purchase) - Another take on the question pool with explanations along with the questions. Many find this format with background material an aid to their understanding and success.  (In class we use only the Q&A and discuss the explanations interactively.)